Monday, August 10, 2009

3 Ways How Visualization Help Persuading in Ad

Different drawings or pictures can represent different implications to the readers. So, we can use these properties of drawings to convey "right" information to "right" readers. In his book, ‘Visual persuasion’, Paul Messaris (1997) explores how images help advertisers to bring their points across. He described the images with three properties:

1. “Iconicity”, referring to the quality of a visual representation of sharing qualities with the object it refers to, such as a scale model of an airplane.

2. “Indexicality”, referring to the quality of a visual representation of being caused by the object and serves as a physical trace pointing to the object’s existence, such as footprints on the beach which indicates the earlier activities.

3. “Indeterminacy”, meaning that visual representations can often be interpreted in various ways. For example, in cigarette commercials, the relationship between smoking and a healthy outdoor lifestyle is often implied, but not expressed straightforwardly. The images here leave space for imagination with very little detail.

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