Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Last Hand-written Newspaper in the World

Probably the Mulsalman is the last hand-written newspaper in the world. The documentary shows passion and feisty of the owner and employees in this die-hard Indian industry. I do appreciate their efforts to preserve calligraphy as the spirit of the newspaper. These unique qualities of human strokes were displayed precisely on simple black-and-white printing. Not to mention how difficult and patient they should be while writing.  Somehow, I can image how readers get the simple joy everyday while holding and reading through these careful and beautiful writings. Hopefully, their spirit will last long and arouse more appreciation later on.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Making Invisible Water Printings Visible

This video shows an amazingly beautiful and poetic way to make invisible water print visible. Every piece created in the process has its unique quality and sense. And even the process itself is already a piece of artwork since you can never duplicate it. Enjoy it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Music and Painting - a friendly way to tell a good idea

Naive strokes in hand drawings are always proper means to tell ideas which might be too harsh to talk face to face. And in this video, "Music Painting - Glocal Sound - Matteo Negrin," it blended music with eye-catching hand drawings, in which way the video taught us a wonderful way to express and communicate some serious ideas. Enjoy it.