With the advantage of 3-Dimensional form, the info cube can represent the dynamic and cycling flow of Visual Thinkers’ roles/functions and interactions in Visual Thinking sessions (See Figure 1.).
A. Description
This concept is a polyhedron consisting of triangular and square facets. The essential elements of Visual Thinking described in the section 3.5.2 and 3.6.1 can be pasted on the square facets. The arrows can be pasted on the triangular facets. Both of the essential elements and the graphics of arrows are printed on stickers, and JAMmers can compose their own storyline by pasting the stickers on the polyhedron (See Figure 2.).
Taking the advantage of the 3-Dimension form, the elements can be linked by the arrows as a complete cycle which represents the dynamical roles and techniques of the JAMmers (See Figure 3.). Two-way arrows indicate “switching” between their nearby elements. One-way arrows indicate the direction of flow. The building process of the storyline is also a time for the JAMmers to organize their personal introduction as a Visual Thinker.
Figure 2. Essential elements in Visual Thinking and graphics of arrows are printed on stickers. JAMmers can compose their own storyline by pasting the stickers on the polyhedron.
Figure 3. Taking the advantage of the 3-Dimension form, the elements can be linked by the arrows as a complete cycle which represents the dynamical roles and techniques of the JAMmers.
B. Scenario
JAMmers can arrive the session earlier and make a use of the time when people are orientating the surroundings and people. The JAMmers can introduce their roles and functions in the session when people are curious about their doing. Or the JAMmers can simply approach participants to have a quick chat and introduce themselves. Introduction with Info Cube can be done one-on-one and in a small group when the JAMmers demonstrate the storyline in their Info Cubes.
C. Possible benefits
- A complete and cycling flow of Visual Thinking can be represented naturally in the concept.
- Flexible in a brief inspiration or an elaborate story of Visual Thinking.
- Building process allows the JAMmers to compose their understanding about Visual Thinking coherently.
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